
Dog Days of Summer
In appreciation for the dog days of summer and our little furry friends who remind us to relax and savor them, my guest blogger is my sister,

Confessions of an Old Belly Dancer
Check out Boomer Chick Universe Magazine for my latest article, and lots of other great info. It’s a terrific magazine Here’s the
I’m Quirky. How about you?
When my life coach Jan Rose Distel asked me to list ten ways in which I’m quirky, my first thought was, “Who, me? I’m as normal

Outlander’s Inner Lessons
After a week of ruminating about the season finale of Outlander, one of my favorite television shows, I want to write about some of life’s harsh

Revelations from a TV Slut
It happened so quickly. There was no forethought; no plan. Before I knew it, I’d fallen into the depths of television depravity,

Writers and Wrongers
Long ago I heard that title – a woman was describing herself as a wannabe writer who was really a wronger – and I loved it. After